dental procedures and finding the right dentist

A Guide to Dentures: Everything You Need to Know

As you age, your teeth undergo a lot of wear and tear, often leading to dental problems such as tooth decay, chipping, and even tooth loss. When this happens, it becomes necessary to consider a partial or full denture. However, getting dentures can be daunting, especially if you're unsure what the process entails. Here is what you need to know about dentures, from what to expect while getting them to the benefits of having them.


The first step towards getting dentures is a consultation with your dentist. During this appointment, your dentist will conduct a thorough oral examination to determine the extent of your dental problems and whether dentures are the best option. If dentures are recommended, your dentist will discuss the different types of dentures available and the materials used to make them and answer any questions or concerns you may have about the process.

Impressions and Measurements

Once you decide to proceed with dentures, your dentist will take impressions and precise measurements of your mouth to create a model for your dentures. This involves taking molds of your teeth and gums using dental putty, which is then sent to a dental laboratory to create custom dentures. It may take a few weeks for the laboratory to make your dentures, during which time you may be advised to continue wearing your natural teeth or use a temporary restoration.

Fitting and Adjustments

When your dentures are ready, your dentist will schedule a fitting appointment to try them on and make any necessary adjustments. During this appointment, your dentist will check and adjust the fit of your dentures to ensure they feel comfortable, look natural, and match your natural bite. You'll also be instructed on how to care for your dentures, including cleaning and maintenance.

Benefits of Dentures

One of the most significant benefits of dentures is that they can restore your ability to eat and speak confidently. Dentures can also improve your appearance, giving you a natural-looking smile and enabling you to enjoy social interactions without feeling self-conscious. Dentures are also easy to care for and can last many years with proper cleaning and maintenance.

Follow-Up Appointments

After you receive your dentures, you must maintain regular follow-up appointments with your dentist. This allows your dentist to monitor the fit of your dentures and make any necessary adjustments. You may also need to have your dentures relined or replaced as your mouth and jawbone change over time.

Getting dentures can be a life-changing experience, providing you with a natural-looking smile and restoring your confidence. Although getting dentures can seem overwhelming, knowing what to expect can help ease your fears and prepare you for the journey ahead. By following these steps and maintaining regular follow-up appointments with your dentist, you can enjoy all the benefits of dentures for years.

For more information about dentures, contact a dentist near you. 
